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ALGINIС Organo Hydro Gel 30gALGINIS Organo Hydro Gel 30g 3D alginate gel matrix finish (30g) of 60 procedures Method of use : ALGINIS Organo Hydro Gel-3D alginate gel matrix of the finish , the final stage of the procedure eCO2 Gel Hydrating Serum - noveshaya cosmetic design based on MDM are revolutionary cosmetic technology. Can be applied to a moistened dry, itchy skin. After application of MDM , you will feel a quick moisturizing and calming effect. Syvortku often used as a final stage in any cosmetic procedure. This syvortoka has 3 -d network structure and is useful as the final stage of the procedure eCO2 Gel and more. The gel network structure allows for a long time to save rezultyty procedure does not prevent the skin breath , retains moisture and provides a comfortable state of the skin. Consisting of: methyl hydroxylation Na acid, phosphoric acid , carbomer , glycerin , jojoba oil
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